The EY Foundation is a charitable company registered in England and Wales and Scotland with registered charity number 1157154 and SC045076. It is also a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
Spring into action this Foundation February with the EY Foundation by taking steps to impact the lives and futures of more than 2 million young people! Our ambition is to give young people eligible for Free School Meals a better chance for a future they deserve, and we are taking steps to ensure their success – you can too!
Beginning on 10th February to 10th March, we challenge you to run, jog, walk, roll or stroll and take the steps to support the success of young people. You can go at the challenge solo or sign up as a team with colleagues, friends or family (pets welcome too).
You can either:
Ready to take steps in the right direction? Sign up for FREE and aim to raise £100 to support young people in the UK.
Find out more about the challenge in our FAQ doc.