The EY Foundation is a charitable company registered in England and Wales and Scotland with registered charity number 1157154 and SC045076. It is also a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
How we're influencing change.
To influence the actions of business and government we generate insights through direct programme delivery, piloting new interventions, original research, and by working in collaboration with others. These insights shape our advocacy for the transformative action needed to ensure all young people from a low-income background can succeed in the workplace.
Examples of our work
AI and social mobility: unlocking opportunities for young people
New report sets out the action needed to ensure all young people can thrive in an increasingly technology dominated future.
How does AI impact social mobility?
We explore what Artificial Intelligence means for social mobility.
Action needed to break barriers for young people from low-income backgrounds in Greater Manchester.
New report says action across a range of areas is needed by policymakers and employers to increase employment opportunities in Greater Manchester for 30,000 young people from low-income backgrounds.
Action needed to ensure the metaverse is fully inclusive.
Action needed to ensure the Metaverse is fully inclusive
Unlocking Potential: Empowering Youth in an AI-Driven Recruitment Landscape
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of an AI-driven recruitment landscape for social mobility.
Developing Careers Guidance in Primary Schools
We’re pleased to share the results of a pilot project to test a new approach to careers guidance in primary schools, supported by the EY Foundation in partnership
Charity sector diversity: the time for talking is over
New insight from young people living in low-income households identifies barriers to entering the charity sector.