The EY Foundation is a charitable company registered in England and Wales and Scotland with registered charity number 1157154 and SC045076. It is also a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
The YAB is a group of 12 young people, aged 16-25 from across England and Scotland who act as advisors to the EY Foundation.
YAB members sit on the board for two years and are responsible for bringing a young person’s perspective into every area of the EY Foundation’s work. As part of their role YAB members:
The EY Foundation works to transform the futures of young people who most need support to succeed in the workplace. We understand we can’t do this alone and young people are our most important advisors.
The YAB are consulted on questions such as:
Their insights and ideas as young people help guide the EY Foundation in our aim to support more young people.
If you'd like to engage a member of our YAB in a speaking or media opportunity, download our Media Kit for full details and further information.