Group picture of young people

Our progress against our race commitments

Where do we stand and what have we learned at the mid-point of our five-year commitments?

In 2020, we published 11 race commitments to contribute to building a fairer and more equal society. Taking positive action to achieve racial equity remains a top priority for us.

As we mark the mid-point of our five-year timeline for securing change, our progress report sets out our achievements so far, our next steps, and our learnings to support other organisations in promoting racial equality.

As a team, we’ve learnt that reaching racial equity is not an easy fix. It’s more than simply setting targets – it's about being honest with each other and ourselves about our stereotypes, biases and perceptions, and driving representation which embeds a true inclusive culture.

Looking to the future, championing racial equity inside and outside of our organisation is a personal priority and I will continue to focus on taking action that achieves a step change in impact.

Read the report to see our progress at a glance and delve deeper into the actions taken and planned across the following areas:

  • Team culture, training & development

  • Young people

  • Recruitment & representations

  • Measurement & impact

Download the report here.

Note: This interactive report is best viewed on your desktop or laptop, when viewed on mobile some features may not be accessible.