The EY Foundation is a charitable company registered in England and Wales and Scotland with registered charity number 1157154 and SC045076. It is also a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited
Growing up in a low-income household can mean a young person has fewer opportunities to get ahead and prepare for the world of work.
But these young people often outperform their peers. They are entrepreneurial, intelligent, resilient, creative...
Can you afford to miss out on what they bring?
There are clear benefits of building a more diverse workforce. A recent Co-op and Demos report, The Opportunity Effect identified many of the business benefits of working with young people from a low-income background, which include:
To unlock the potential of young people from a low-income background, the EY Foundation connects both sides of the labour market. This benefits both young people and employers. By accessing this untapped pool of talent, employers will reap the benefits for their organisation, their staff, and their local community.